Yanis Varoufakis: Basic Income is a Necessity | DiEM25 9. Oktober 2021 Inge Patsch In this video the former finance minister of greece states macroeconomic reasons why we need Universal basic income. English 6 Aufrufe Das könnte Dir auch gefallen Financing the Anthropocene: An initiative of the World Academy of Art and Scienc 10 Aufrufe English,Initiativen The Venus Project: an approach to a Resource Based Economy 7 Aufrufe English,Initiativen The blind spots of the green energy transition (Olivia Lazard) 88 Aufrufe English,Frieden Money and sustainability – The missing link 6 Aufrufe English,Vertiefungen Narrative #62 – Catherine Austin Fitts 731 Aufrufe English,Filme & Trailer,Vertiefungen 1:32:39 Princess of the Yen 113 Aufrufe English,Vertiefungen Trump Takes Control of the FED – Leads the way for other countries to follow – Michael Tellinger 50 Aufrufe English,News TED-Talk: How Economic Inequality Harms Society 359 Aufrufe English How the rich get richer – money in the world economy | DW Documentary 78 Aufrufe English